Setup Slack Notifications for AWS CodeDeploy
CodeDeploy doesn’t come with a native way to integrate with third party services; so in order to integrate with a service you need to do a small workaround involving SNS and Lambda.
Setup SNS Topic and Lambda
First you need to setup a SNS Topic “deployments” (Feel free to use your own topic name). Once that is done you need to hop on over to Lambda and find a SNS blueprint, I used sns-message-python with the event SNS and then set to the topic just created.
Next setup the basic execution role recommended by AWS (if you don’t have a role setup already).
Create your Lambda Function
Below is the code I used to send a message to slack using Lambda:
- from __future__ import print_function
- import json, urllib, urllib2
- def send_slack(message):
- “””
- Send Slack Message to Deployments Channel
- “””
- slack_token = ‘<api_token>’
- slack_channel = ‘<channel_short_name>’
- slack_user = ‘Deployment Bot’
- slack_url = ‘’
- payload = {
- “token”: slack_token,
- “channel”: slack_channel,
- “username”: slack_user,
- “text”: message
- }
- query_string = urllib.urlencode(payload)
- url = slack_url + ‘?’ + query_string
- response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
- def lambda_handler(event, context):
- message = event[‘Records’][0][‘Sns’][‘Message’]
- send_slack(message)
- return message
Create a Trigger on your CodeDeploy
I used the following triggers:
- Deployment Starts
- Deployment Succeeds
- Deployment Fails
That’s it now everytime you deploy using CodeDeploy you can have a tracking log via Slack.
I am a huge fan of integrating slack with everything from saltstack to monitoring alerts. That way everything is in one place!