Posted in: Aws代维
Amazon在对新用户这方面还是比较大气,只要你注册了EC2服务,就立即获赠一年的AWS相关服务的免费使用(记时从你注册即开始,即时你不创建EC2 Instance)。
AWS Free Usage Tier (Per Month):
- 750 hours of Amazon EC2 Linux Micro Instance usage (613 MB of memory and 32-bit and 64-bit platform support) – enough hours to run continuously each month*
- 750 hours of an Elastic Load Balancer plus 15 GB data processing*
- 10 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage, plus 1 million I/Os and 1 GB of snapshot storage*
- 5 GB of Amazon S3 standard storage, 20,000 Get Requests, and 2,000 Put Requests*
- 15 GB of bandwidth out aggregated across all AWS services*
- 25 Amazon SimpleDB Machine Hours and 1 GB of Storage**
- 100,000 Requests of Amazon Simple Queue Service**
- 100,000 Requests, 100,000 HTTP notifications and 1,000 email notifications for Amazon Simple Notification Service**
- 10 Amazon Cloudwatch metrics, 10 alarms, and 1,000,000 API requests**
In addition to these services, the AWS Management Console is available at no charge to help you build and manage your application on AWS.
- 750小时(也就是比24*31还多一点)的EC2 Linux Micro Instance (613MB内存, 32位/64位系统)
- 750小时的Elastic Load Balancer, 15GB数据处理
- 10GB Elastic Block Storage存储, 100万次I/O, 1GB snapshot存储, 1万次snapshot Get请求, 1千次snapshot Put请求
- 5GB S3存储空间, 2万次Get请求, 2千次Put请求
- 15GB互联网数据传输,包括所有的AWS服务(EC2,S3等),注意这里只包括流出流量,流入流量免费
- 25主机小时的SimpleDB和1GB存储
- 10万次的Simple Queue Service请求
- 10万次的Simple Notification Service请求, 10万次HTTP通知, 以及1千次电子邮件通知
- 10个Cloudwatch指标,10次警报,和100万API请求
免费服务在报告中显示为 “under monthly free tier“,没有的话表明您无法享受free tier服务,需要付费。我的Micro instance已经免费稳定运行128小时。
- 当前ec2 micro instance运行的时间总计;
- 费用,free tier的话,没有任何费用;
- EC2 EBS硬盘使用情况;
- EBS IO数目,free tier限额为100万次/月,足够了;
- EBS snapshot请求数,free tier限额为1万次读/月,图例中用掉2560次,应该是instance第一次启动造成的,常规运行无需任何snapshot请求,如果您经常重建instance,则此项可能会超出使用限额;
- 您不是AWS新用户;
- 您用一张信用卡绑定了多个AWS账户;
- 您用了Windows的instance,EC2 free tier只对 linux AMI免费,有部分linux AMI也会收费;
- 您超出了free tier的限制:10GB EBS硬盘,
30GB流量(15GB in,15GB out)等现在in已经免费了,只有15GB out; - 您分配了固定IP,但未绑定到运行中的instance上,被惩罚收费;
- 其它…